Pickled Red Onions

Pickled onions are tangy, crunchy and a touch bit sweet. Nutrition-wise, regular consumption of onions has been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, cancer and DNA damage.

In addition, adding onions to pan-fried meats reduce the carcinogenic amines - so next time you’re at a BBQ party or eating a burger- add some pickled onions! They’re also a great addition to sandwiches, salads and as a side dish.

I’m using red onions in this recipe as they have a higher content of quercetin compared to white onions. Quercetin has powerful anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects.


  1. 2 sliced red onions

  2. 1 cup of water

  3. 1/2 cup of vinegar

  4. 2 tbsp of sugar

  5. 1 tsp salt


  1. Peel and slice an onion into (don’t peel too much as a lot of the quercetin is found in the outer layers of the peel

  2. Add the sliced onions into a sterilised jar

  3. Combine all the brine ingredients and pour into the same jar

  4. Store in the fridge and leave for 1-3 days before consuming

  5. Enjoy!

JC x

PS: if you’re looking for a step by step visual on how to make this, click here


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