How to Beat the Mid-arvo Slump

  1. Break up your workday and make sure to take regular stretch breaks and a lunch time walk. This will help you get some fresh air, vitamin D & help prevent muscle strain from sitting for prolonged periods of time

  2. Take time for yourself before and after work. Although this may be difficult due to long work, commute time & if pets/kids/other family members require our time, it’s important to try to carve out time for yourself. A short strength circuit or yoga flow before work, having a bath or face mask are some great ‘me time’ activities

  3. Snack on foods that are high in fibre, protein and moderate in fats such as roasted chickpeas, a serving of nuts, carrots and hummus, wholegrain toast with chia jam and apples with almond butter

  4. Eat a lunch that’s balanced in macromolecules & low GI to regulate blood sugar and to ensure you have long lasting energy to keep you awake till the clock hits 5pm (home time!)


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