My Top 25 Ways to Reduce Stress

  1. Meditating using the “Calm”, “Insight” or “Headspace” app

  2. Giving yourself a spa treatment (pedicure, manicure and/or face mask)

  3. Using calming essential oils in your home (lavender, patchouli, sandalwood, etc.)

  4. Journalling

  5. Writing a card to your loved one expressing gratitude

  6. Baking a delicious dessert

  7. Spending good quality time with loved ones

  8. Cold showers

  9. Or alternatively, warm baths using Epsom salts

  10. Box breathing or 4-7-8 breathing

  11. Hypnosis

  12. Laughing at funny memes or videos

  13. Long walks in nature

  14. Grounding in nature (placing our feet

  15. Having a tech free hour (or day!)

  16. Massage

  17. Cuddling with pets

  18. Reading a fiction book

  19. Cleaning or decluttering your space

  20. Yoga or stretching

  21. Drinking non-caffeinated herbal teas such as chamomile, cinnamon or lavender

  22. Sitting in the sun and watching the clouds

  23. Singing

  24. Planning a fun getaway or holiday

  25. Seeking out the help of a psychologist or healthcare practitioner

Share your favourite ways to reduce stress by commenting below!


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